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Hello all,

I believe we have a situation for the next book club.  Dave wrote Dean and mentioned he was halfway through Caves of Steel, and apparently gave Trilety the same message.  Dean and I discussed matters and realized that if he thinks Caves of Steel is this month, he probably doesn’t have Yiddish Policemen’s Union available to him.  I hopped on Amazon and sent him a copy, but the earliest it will get there is the 25th (that Wednesday).

If he calls any of you guys, could you let him know about the mixup?  We also need to re-examine how we can ensure he’s getting the right books at the right time.

I think our other option is to just go with it and  for everybody else to switch to Asimov, which I’d be fine with but I think may be a destabilizing proposition for some.  I figure, we’re a lot more likely to make it to a bookstore than he is and most of us don’t start reading til this week anyway… nah.  I could see fully half the book club resisting that idea, and probably for good reason.

What do you guys think?