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Hello all!  We had a smaller group at book club tonight, due in large part to holiday festivities and the extended families living in far off distant places like… western Nebraska.  We also had a new person come to join us!  That was exciting.  Welcome Karen!

The book itself appeared to be a hit.  Chuck said that the writing was plain but the story required plain, hardboiled detective speak and the story moved at a brisk enough pace to get himself caught up quite nicely.  Much of the discussion was around the larger history of the Jewish people and what sort of cultural and personal changes occur during periods of displacement and oppression.

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We had a smaller group tonight, which in itself is a bit of a wonder because who would have guessed that we would keep this going for eight full months, add on several new members, and are now defining “smaller group” as seven people? Well done us!
For those who have read more of the Foundation series, the discussion tonight easily segued into future plot contrivances that Asimov has set up in this book, for those who are very familiar with his robot series (I am so proud of us for being able to quote his three laws, then debate exact wording without referencing any book – again, well done) it was hard not to applaud Baley and Daneel walking off into the sunset together and waxing poetic about real robots and how awesome that will be, and for those unfamiliar with Asimov they didn’t show up tonight.

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As discovered by Dean, this is a top ten list of science fiction detective novels.  Dean writes: ” I was pleased to see that two of them are already on our upcoming schedule (and a third is sitting on my desk).”

Take a gander! Any you would like to see on the book list?