What is speculative fiction?
Speculative fiction is a broad category that spans several genres of fiction that interest us: science fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, alternate histories, dystopias, cyberpunk, and a lot more.  There is an excellent article about speculative fiction here.  The rule of thumb that this club has settled upon is that the story must operate in ideas and be willing to ask interesting questions about reality.

Who is invited?
Any friend of ours who is interested in speculative fiction, discussing ideas, ranting when the mood hits, and is capable of fitting in our tiny living room is welcome.  Just let me know when you’re coming!

How often do you meet?
Once a month, the last Saturday of the month.

How do you decide which book to read next?
Usually through arguing and discussion at the end of the meeting.  At this point we have books picked out until July 2011 so we can determine if the book is still in print (DREAM MASTER taught us well), and also to give us time to get our hands on it.  Each member has veto power, to be used with great discretion.

What is the criteria for a book to be chosen?
The ideal book would be new to the majority of the participants, be fairly short so that we all have a better chance of finishing it, and either be a novel or a collection of short stories with a common theme or character.  We also try to keep availability in mind for those of us who can’t make it to the library or bookstores regularly.  The newest criteria is that the book not be a tie-in to another media (STAR TREK, for instance).